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SCHORL  Playter Mine, Springfield, NH
2.6 cm specimen.

Species:           SCHORL
Locality:         Playter Mine, Springfield, NH
Specimen Size: 2.6 cm specimen.
Field Collected: Bob Wilken (2010)
Catalog No.: 1824
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SCHORL    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
9 cm specimen
Species:           SCHORL  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 9 cm specimen
Field Collected: A Friend
Catalog No.:
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SCHORL    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
3.2 cm specimen
Species:           SCHORL  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 3.2 cm specimen
Field Collected: A Friend
Catalog No.:
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SCHORL - DRAVITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
3 cm specimen. Cluster of three terminated schorl-dravite crystals
Species:           SCHORL - DRAVITE  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 3 cm specimen. Cluster of three terminated schorl-dravite crystals
Field Collected: A Purchased specimen
Catalog No.: 2016
Notes: Purchased as schorl, however these crystals have a definite brown tint under intense light, suggesting dravite. Much of the dark tourmaline from south western NH has been analyzed to be dravite.
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SCHORL - DRAVITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
1.8 cm terminated schorl-dravite crystal
Species:           SCHORL - DRAVITE  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 1.8 cm terminated schorl-dravite crystal
Field Collected: A Purchased specimen
Catalog No.: 2017
Notes: Purchased as schorl, however these crystals have a definite brown tint under intense light, suggesting dravite. Much of the dark tourmaline from south western NH has been analyzed to be dravite.
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SCHORL   Charles Davis Mine, N. Groton, NH
Complete 1.5 cm tourmaline crystal in pegmatite matrix.

Species:           SCHORL
Locality:          Charles Davis Mine, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: Complete 1.5 cm tourmaline crystal in pegmatite matrix.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer - 8/19
Catalog No.: 2112
Notes: This tourmaline is very brown, suggesting a visual identification of dravite.
A 10/19 polished grain EDS analysis (BC361) showed Fe about twice Mg, so schorl provides a general tourmaline group formula of:
A = Ca, Na, K, or is vacant (large cations);
D = Al, Fe2+, Fe3+, Li, Mg2+, Mn2+ (intermediate to small cations - in valence balancing combinations when the A site is vacant);
G = Al, Cr3+, Fe3+, V3+ (small cations);
Si can sometimes have minor Al and/or B3+ substitution.
X = O and/or OH;
Z = F, O and/or OH.

The elements in the BC261 analysis are all ones allowed in a tourmaline composition. The EDS detector will not sense Li or B. This Charles Davis tourmaline is iron dominant.
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SCHORL   Rice Mine, N. Groton, NH
3.2 cm complete, double-terminated, schorl crystal

Species:           SCHORL
Locality:         Rice Mine, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 3.2 cm complete, double-terminated, schorl crystal
Field Collected: Leroy Grant - 1970's
Catalog No.: TBC
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SCHORL in Quartz   Rice Mine, Groton, NH
2.2 cm, double terminated schorl crystal in quartz matrix
Species:           SCHORL in Quartz
Locality:          Rice Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 2.2 cm, double terminated schorl crystal in quartz matrix
Field Collected: Leroy Grant
Catalog No.: 2134
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SCHORL  Founders Way, Amherst, NH
6 cm field of view

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SCHORL  Founders Way, Amherst, NH
4.5 cm field of view
Species:           SCHORL
Locality:         Founders Way, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 6 cm field of view, top photo
Field Collected: Peter Cristofono
Catalog No.: 2171
Notes: A 2023 EDS analysis (BC512a) indicated a tourmaline species with Fe >> Mg, but count values were too low to make a convincing species determination. EDS redo needed.
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SCHORL   Swain Brook Pegmatite, Wentworth, NH
4 cm tall x 3.2 cm crystal
Species:           SCHORL
Locality:         Swain Brook Pegmatite, Wentworth, NH
Specimen Size: 4 cm tall x 3.2 cm crystal
Field Collected: Don Swenson
Catalog No.: A Don Swenson specimen
Notes: Photo orientation to show termination. Crystal has some attached mica.
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